Tuesday 25 September 2012

A Message from the Creator:

What do I like to do when I'm bored and have no money?

1. Shoot a bow and arrow
2. Go for a Run
3. Dance
4. Blog about Moshi Monsters
5. Email dance competition executive board members for information
6. Watch television episodes on my computer
7. Build hidden forts in the woods with my cousins
8. Hang out in the "Cousin's Club" that I made with my cousins
9. Climb trees
10. Watch my sister play wii
11. Play Risk
12. Play Monopoly
13. Clean my Room
14. Watch videos about Moshi Monsters
15. Watch classic musicals on my computer like "West Side Story"
16. Listen to "West Side Story" and "Hairspray" playlists while folding laundry
17. Paint my nails
18. Check out Ebay
19. Day Dream about my future
20. Construct funny halloween costumes
21. Build props for dances or make a bigger dance box
22. Help my dad in the shop (lots of fun things to do there)
23. Cut the grass
24. Contort myself on the grass
25. Feed my Moshi Monster
26. Surf Youtube for some of the many videos advised by Miss Gillian
27. Research Dance Camps
28. Look for good music to choreograph to
29. Edit the music I find to choreograph to
30. Do Rosette Stone and online French Program
31. Design costumes for dances that I want to do
32. Write down songs or choreography in my idea book
33. Take creative pictures of fields
34. Go for a quad ride
35. Go for a walk outside
36. Play basketball on the sports court
37. Bake
38. Make soups
39. Make supper
40. Walk to town
41. Blog about Moshi Monsters
42. Cut pants into Kapris
43. Attempt to sew
44. Make clothing for my dance Barbie
45. Play the piano
46. Go over Choreography
47. Practice new dance steps
48. Color my dance bag
49. Pack and over night bag
50. Get my little cousin Moshi Monster toys
51. Study for tests
52. Get ahead on homework
53. Eat
54. Eat
55. Eat
56. Feed my little cousin's Moshi Monster
57. Hack my sisters computer
58. Air drop files to myself from Regan's computer
59. Serf the internet for new recipes to try
60. Serf the internet for new potions that remove stains
61. Shop for shoes online
62. Research when new seasons of my favorite shows start
63. Feed my dog
64. Give my do a hair cut
65. Teach children how to make their own Moshi Monster
66. Find new computer games on the app store
67. Find new helpful apps eg: apps for cd stickers, apps for new music, apps for photo editing, apps for shopping, apps for music identification, apps for banking, etc.
68. Schedule my life
69. Make calendars that have all of the 2013 Dance Competitions in SK written on them along with the Performing Arts Warehouse dates and info
70. Organize my notes
71. Blog about Moshi Monsters
72. Make movies for Mother's Day
73. Attempt to edit movies for Mother's Day
74. Set up scavenger hunts for my parents birthdays and mother and father's day
75. Budget my money
76. Memorize lines
77. Memorize songs for play
78. Attempt to recall blocking before next practice
79. Get someone to video tape my contortion tricks
80. Visualize what all my costumes in my closet would look like smooshed together and made into one
81. Look or good audition songs
82. Add to my portfolio
83. Put my new shoes on and try and walk around the house in them
84. fo to http://tricyclesrock.blogspot.com and read the blog
85. Update my computer settings
86. Customize my computer settings
87. Test some new apps on my computer such as: talking to it and see if it types
88. Figure out how to use new programs on my computer such as: garage band, imovie and iphoto
89. In the winter I try to roll around on the hard snow and try not to fall through
90. Play "King of the Hill" with my sister
91. Build an ice castle
92. Make protective walls to prep the attack of your cousins with snowballs
93. Pull each other around behind the quad or snow machine on a lid to a big plastic container
94. Pull each other around behind the quad or snow machine on a GT
95. Get the skidoo stuck and dig it out
96. Roll an abandoned skidoo in a river
97. Learn to circular breath
98. Google techniques to make acro easier and to make me better at it
99. Make stickers


  1. haha how come i think you were hungry when you made this blog?

  2. #99... I have tried to do this over, and over. I can't do it!

    1. Uhm, I'm not sure if you noticed.. but you repeated yourself. $ and 100 obsession much? 84: fo to SPELLING MISTAKE. 53-55 is repeated 3 times. You did not find 100 things to do, it is all LIES! Yes I am bored, so yes I am checking your grammar skills. Don't judge me okay?!?!? T_T

  3. Brenna .. I'd do everything on your list ... If I liked Moshi Monsters

  4. cutting the grass is a horrible job, but if you like it! :P

  5. Hahahaha never hear of mushi monsters beforee:P

  6. Tell evil tape attack TO CALM DOWN. Settle your kettle. Chill your grill. Whatever floats your boat, whatever floats your goat. Life goes on don't ponder the past. Take the time to practice things right because if you practice wrong what's the point of practicing at all.

  7. #1. I know its old, but.......I'M KATNISS! or you're katniss more or less.
    The Fattest Dog of All

  8. you can be katniss.. ill be a Capitol member safe in my home instead of sleeping in trees

  9. shoot a bow and arrow is what i do best, call me Katniss.

  10. #96 sounds dangerous! I like all the choreography ones. How did you learn to be a choreographer? Did somebody teach you, or is it something you experimented with until you put together enough cool ideas to make a full dance routine? Either way, I'm always impressed by your work! :o)

    1. Its like improvising a saxophone solo you just let your body take control and do what it wants then it either sucks or is really awesome. Its kind of like you are the barrier between the song and the viewer so if they weren't hearing the song they should still understand your purpose for the dance, like if a def person was watching they would still understand. Its really fun!
